Author Archives: Suze Casey

Loving my body – Just the way it is!

I’ve been spending time this week with the elders of my family, and having cause for a lot of gratitude. That I can still be with them, and visit – and play game after game of cards and scrabble, and drink pots and pots of tea while hearing their memories and listening to the stories! […] Continue reading

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Kindness and Generosity

Lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity. It shouldn’t really come as a surprise, but is it really that simple? Psychologist John Gottman and his wife Julia run The Gottman Institute and have studied healthy relationships in married couples for 4 decades. Their results are scientifically proven and conclusive. Regardless of the variables […] Continue reading

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Doubt is an extremely useful emotion . . .

Transition – a time when doubt can spring to the mind of even the most confident individual. When things around us shift, we begin to question and wonder “What if?”  Maybe it’s just the age or stage I am at, but it seems as though everything is in flux. Everyone I know is finding changes […] Continue reading

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Perspectives Shift!

Pulling out of my parking spot at the pool this morning, my eyes were blasted by the intense sunrise low on the horizon. I couldn’t see much of anything, but I kept moving forward slowly knowing that soon things would become clear. As my car crawled forward the angle of the sunlight and my perspective […] Continue reading

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Sometimes I feel so lost! #43

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I’m found, Was blind, but now I see. This sign brought a smile of recognition to everyone who went by the closed office door. Looking outwardly for yourself takes you further away from your centre. Bringing grace […] Continue reading

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