I recently had a dream that I was driving a car from the back seat.
No – I wasn’t back seat driving in the usual sense. There was no one else in the car.
Odd in the usual way of dreams. How can I drive from the back seat? I can’t see very well. Can’t control the vehicle very well either. I sensed I was going downhill. When I stopped I didn’t know where I was.
Whoa! I would rather take the wheel and drive from the driver’s seat.
Perhaps the dream represents my life. Does the driver in the back seat represent my subconscious? And have I been living on autopilot?
I admit to that.
Truthfully, I was quite comfy in the back seat when my husband was living, but now I’m alone and it’s time for me to take the wheel.
I have dealt with my husband’s illness, death and estate. I’ve built a condo and moved twice.
I also handled a number of other matters. Lots of support and Belief Re-patterning have been key to navigating that part of life.
Now that part of my journey is mostly done. My foundation is built.
Is this how I want my life to be on autopilot– driving from the backseat? Umm no. I’m now ready to move on to the next possibilities.
Now I see myself at the wheel – and my subconscious still there doing her job.
Now I put energy into future possibilities.
I am grateful to my subconscious for keeping me safe. It did great work in keeping me alive!
I forgive myself for believing I had to stay in the back seat and live in the past.
I forgive myself for believing I didn’t know how to move forward.
I recognize that the subconscious can only run on what it already knows. It needs the conscious to engage in the front seat driving into the future with freedom and independence.
I give myself permission to balance the conscious and the subconscious
I choose for my conscious mind to be in the front seat engaging in the future. And the subconscious remains steady in the back seat supporting with it’s know how.
I consciously choose freedom and independence for my future.
Today I will journal about places I would like to travel to in the near future.
I already engaged my conscious when I planned and chose finishes and furnishings I liked for my new condo. That is having freedom and independence!
I am consciously moving forward with freedom and independence, grateful for the support of my subconscious.
If you’ve found yourself in the back seat let’s chat and support you in moving forward!
Mary Gale, Belief Re-patterning Practitioner

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