Category Archives: Blog

Living on Auto-pilot

I recently had a dream that I was driving a car from the back seat. No – I wasn’t back seat driving in the usual sense. There was no one else in the car. Odd in the usual way of dreams. How can I drive from the back seat? I can’t see very well. Can’t […]

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Moments That Matter…

Reflections From Shelley Wright, Practitioner I read this statement today in a news article — “to take a dangerous deviant behavior and normalize it by spreading it on social media” and my mind went wow!! Connection!! And within the moment of awareness of connection I knew my trained brain switched into Belief Re-patterning mode. Or […]

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Things can change with the Flip of a Switch

10 years ago today I got up and decided that it was time to remove my profile from the computer dating service I had been on for several months. I’d met some very nice men, no one in particular and I just knew it was time to be off-line. I sat down at my computer […]

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The Truth Is…

These common phrases are responsible for you feeling stuck. That’s just the way it is… In fact… ALWAYS NEVER In REALITY… In my experience… PATTERN INTERRUPT: “Up until now” Our minds create our facts based on our experiences to date, and yet change is constant. Our perception of reality and the truths we have constructed […]

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I feel Like I’ve Been Holding My Breath

I woke to those words a couple of nights ago. They have been rattling around in my head ever since. Then today I saw a post that said “It’s the 4 year anniversary of the 2 week lockdown”, and I understood – the isolation, the masks, the distancing started 4 years ago. It’s been a […]

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