
The word derives from “holy day” – originally, a day of dedication to religious observance.

You may or may not define holiday this way. Agreement on what the holidays “should” or “shouldn’t” be are as varied as snowflakes on the ground in Canada, and as numerous as the grains of sand on the beach here in Australia.

What about holiday being a time of dedication to your own spirit? A mindful lifting of yourself?

I forgive myself for believing the holiday needs to be a certain way.

I open up to positive possibilities that support my spirit.

I can be stuck in what should happen, or I can create what lifts me up – I choose to dedicate time this holiday to observing what makes my heart sing.

Care for your own heart.

With friends, with family, alone.

There may be loss. There may be abundance.

Laughter. Silence.

Excitement. Reflection.

Whatever your circumstance, I hold the space for you to find peace in your heart and your spirit be lightened.



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BEing Thankful to Myself

It is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada – my favorite holiday – a time to reflect and have a shared experience of gratitude. There has been a lot of attention placed on having an Attitude of Gratitude, however from my perspective the part noticeably missing is being grateful to ourselves. As humans we tend to be pretty hard on ourselves, and push ourselves – often with little acknowledgement.

This week celebrate Thanksgiving by gifting yourself some conscious gratitude. For what? Well – anything that if someone else did it you would say thank you to them…

Here are some ideas…

I so appreciate this terrific lunch I made for myself!

I really thankful for my home, and the decision I made to live here.

I am grateful for this beautiful day – and I am grateful to myself for going for a walk and enjoying it.

I am so grateful for my shower – and I appreciate myself for paying my utility bill.

I am thankful for my …

I appreciate myself for…

Try it on – I promise you won’t become egotistical – and you just may fall in love with the individual in your mirror.

I’d love to hear how you are increasing conscious gratitude to yourself.

I’m thanking myself for completing this note to you – and going to bed early.

I know my all day drive tomorrow will be terrific – I am so grateful for the stash of CDs Phil put in my car – and I am so, so grateful to myself for asking him to put together a surprise stack of CDs for me!

I’m grateful for giving myself a day to sing and drive and witness the beautiful fall colours.

Giving gratitude to others is important in building trusting, solid relationships.

Giving gratitude to yourself …same same.



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Open or Closed?

It is normal. We experience something, we “make up our minds” about it, and then hold that perception as “truth”.

In April I made my first visit to St. John’s Newfoundland. A 20 minute drive is Cape Speare- the most easterly point of North America. Something about being on the edge of the continent captured my imagination. I waited and waited for the weather to clear so I could go and “see” Cape Speare. After 10 days of fog, rain and wind, frustrated because I knew I wouldn’t be able to “see” anything, I went anyway. It was an incredible experience – I really felt the power and energy of the “sea” through my body. Deeply moving, the crashing waves pounding the rocks, the howling wind so strong it could blow you over the edge if you didn’t hang into the rail – an amazing experience which I nearly missed because I “thought” it wouldn’t be worth going to in stormy weather.

When have you made up your mind about something?

When have your perceptions created a decision that kept you from amazing experiences?

What if you decided to keep an open mind? 

What if you chose to experience what is in the present moment?

Your mind can be closed and made up or you can be open to possibilities. 

Sometimes the stormy times bring the best experiences.

Back to another conference in NL this week, I was thrilled to see a clear and sunny  forecast! I would finally see Cape Speare in the sunshine!

Today I did. Gorgeous – but not better than the storm. Just different. 

And I am human so next visit I will probably wait for the stormiest day to head to the Cape.

Yup – we all have perceptions and perspectives – and the more open I keep my mind, the more varied my experiences – and the more informed I am when I “make up my mind”.



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Living on Auto-pilot

I recently had a dream that I was driving a car from the back seat.

No – I wasn’t back seat driving in the usual sense. There was no one else in the car.

Odd in the usual way of dreams. How can I drive from the back seat? I can’t see very well. Can’t control the vehicle very well either. I sensed I was going downhill. When I stopped I didn’t know where I was.

Whoa! I would rather take the wheel and drive from the driver’s seat.

Perhaps the dream represents my life. Does the driver in the back seat represent my subconscious? And have I been living on autopilot?

I admit to that.

Truthfully, I was quite comfy in the back seat when my husband was living, but now I’m alone and it’s time for me to take the wheel.

I have dealt with my husband’s illness, death and estate. I’ve built a condo and moved twice.

I also handled a number of other matters. Lots of support and Belief Re-patterning have been key to navigating that part of life.

Now that part of my journey is mostly done. My foundation is built.

Is this how I want my life to be on autopilot– driving from the backseat? Umm no. I’m now ready to move on to the next possibilities.

Now I see myself at the wheel – and my subconscious still there doing her job.

Now I put energy into future possibilities.

I am grateful to my subconscious for keeping me safe. It did great work in keeping me alive!

I forgive myself for believing I had to stay in the back seat and live in the past.

I forgive myself for believing I didn’t know how to move forward.

I recognize that the subconscious can only run on what it already knows. It needs the conscious to engage in the front seat driving into the future with freedom and independence.

I give myself permission to balance the conscious and the subconscious

I choose for my conscious mind to be in the front seat engaging in the future. And the subconscious remains steady in the back seat supporting with it’s know how.

I consciously choose freedom and independence for my future.

Today I will journal about places I would like to travel to in the near future.

I already engaged my conscious when I planned and chose finishes and furnishings I liked for my new condo. That is having freedom and independence!

I am consciously moving forward with freedom and independence, grateful for the support of my subconscious.

If you’ve found yourself in the back seat let’s chat and support you in moving forward!

Mary Gale, Belief Re-patterning Practitioner

The post Living on Auto-pilot appeared first on Belief Repatterning.

Living on Auto-pilot

I recently had a dream that I was driving a car from the back seat.

No – I wasn’t back seat driving in the usual sense. There was no one else in the car.

Odd in the usual way of dreams. How can I drive from the back seat? I can’t see very well. Can’t control the vehicle very well either. I sensed I was going downhill. When I stopped I didn’t know where I was.

Whoa! I would rather take the wheel and drive from the driver’s seat.

Perhaps the dream represents my life. Does the driver in the back seat represent my subconscious? And have I been living on autopilot?

I admit to that.

Truthfully, I was quite comfy in the back seat when my husband was living, but now I’m alone and it’s time for me to take the wheel.

I have dealt with my husband’s illness, death and estate. I’ve built a condo and moved twice.

I also handled a number of other matters. Lots of support and Belief Re-patterning have been key to navigating that part of life.

Now that part of my journey is mostly done. My foundation is built.

Is this how I want my life to be on autopilot– driving from the backseat? Umm no. I’m now ready to move on to the next possibilities.

Now I see myself at the wheel – and my subconscious still there doing her job.

Now I put energy into future possibilities.

I am grateful to my subconscious for keeping me safe. It did great work in keeping me alive!

I forgive myself for believing I had to stay in the back seat and live in the past.

I forgive myself for believing I didn’t know how to move forward.

I recognize that the subconscious can only run on what it already knows. It needs the conscious to engage in the front seat driving into the future with freedom and independence.

I give myself permission to balance the conscious and the subconscious

I choose for my conscious mind to be in the front seat engaging in the future. And the subconscious remains steady in the back seat supporting with it’s know how.

I consciously choose freedom and independence for my future.

Today I will journal about places I would like to travel to in the near future.

I already engaged my conscious when I planned and chose finishes and furnishings I liked for my new condo. That is having freedom and independence!

I am consciously moving forward with freedom and independence, grateful for the support of my subconscious.

If you’ve found yourself in the back seat let’s chat and support you in moving forward!

Mary Gale, Belief Re-patterning Practitioner

The post Living on Auto-pilot appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.