The Truth Is…

These common phrases are responsible for you feeling stuck.

That’s just the way it is…

In fact…




In my experience…


“Up until now”

Our minds create our facts based on our experiences to date, and yet change is constant.

Our perception of reality and the truths we have constructed for ourselves are subject to revision and review moment to moment.

If your truth supports you, your perceptions allow you to enjoy your life, your world view encourages your creativity and contributions, reinforce it!

Your Constructed Reality has kept you alive. You learned something that supported you or explained what was happening in a way you could understand at the time. However, you may be locked into patterns that no longer serve you, create anxiety or depression, put you into tail spins or cause reactive behaviours. Everyone is to some degree.

Consider this incorporating this simple phrase which interrupts your habitual thought pattern.

“Up until now”

Three simple words that are a powerful opening of your mind to learning a new possibility and invite you to step forward and into something that works better for you now.

forgive myself for believing the way things have been is the way they are going to stay.

I give myself permission to be open to possibilities.

I can hang onto the way things have been, or I can open to learning something new. I choose to incorporate “Up until now…”

I am open to considering another perspective today when I…

remember learning a new way of looking at things that really supported me, it happened when I…

am open to learning new perspectives and possibilities that support me.

am grateful for my ability to recognize my beliefs are based on “Up until now” and I can choose to experience things differently.

What would you tell someone 20 years ago that they would not believe?

My favorite response: Everyone would have a personal device they could carry in their pocket that would give them free access on demand to all of the knowledge and information in the world… and they mostly use it to share cute cat photos.

Reality changes, truth evolves, all are subjective.

We have the superpowers of learning and choice.



The post The Truth Is… appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.

I feel Like I’ve Been Holding My Breath

I woke to those words a couple of nights ago. They have been rattling around in my head ever since.

Then today I saw a post that said “It’s the 4 year anniversary of the 2 week lockdown”, and I understood – the isolation, the masks, the distancing started 4 years ago.

It’s been a rollercoaster of open for business and stay 6 feet apart.

And I realized that I have been waiting for the next thing… the next emergency… the next lockdown.

So, I did for myself what I would do for a client. I poured myself a big glass of water, sat down with my 999 words, and asked: Is there a word to support me to re-pattern that feeling of “holding my breath”?


I forgive myself for believing I need to hold my breath

I give myself permission to allow myself to breathe

I can choose to hold that old ICK, or I can choose to breathe deeply… I choose what supports me – and I choose to breathe deeply.

I am free to allow myself to breathe today when I take my dog, Bear, for a long walk and breathe in the fresh air and sunshine

I know what it’s like to breathe freely, I felt it when I stood on the beach and took a big deep breath of ocean air last year while on vacation.

I DO breathe freely and deeply… and that feels invigorating!

I am grateful to myself for consciously breathing deeply – that reminds me that I am alive!

While I may not know what tomorrow is going to be, I do know that I can choose how I show up for it. 



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The post I feel Like I’ve Been Holding My Breath appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.

This is as good as it gets!

Have you ever thought “This is as good as it gets”?

For the last couple of months I’ve been enjoying fresh mangos – daily. I thought it was as good as it got…until I saw a basket of these beauties at the market, and had real life proof of “Something EVEN Better!” A mango that feeds 4 -I wouldn’t have been able to imagine it, until I saw it.

A simple illustration of the power of holding the space for “Something EVEN Better”.

What are you experiencing that you’ve been thinking “This is as good as it gets”? think about that as you read through this simple re-patterning series!

I forgive myself for believing this is as good as it gets!

I am enjoying this, and I remain open to additional possibilities.

This is wonderful and I choose to be open to additional possibilities!

I am free to be open to possibilities as I enjoy what is present now.

I have experienced things getting EVEN better than I had imagined, it happened when…

I am open to possibilities.

I am grateful for what is happening now, and hold the space for expansion!

Whenever you are thinking “This is as good as it gets”, give gratitude – and then allow for the magic, the possibilities with “Something EVEN Better”.

Practice being appreciative of what IS, while being open for “Something EVEN Better”.

I’d love to hear about the magic you welcome in!

Belief Re-patterning works to help you out of tough times.

Something EVEN Better?

Use it to reinforce the good.

Remember the mango that satisfied four of us!



The post This is as good as it gets! appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.

Root Cause

Have you ever thought… “I’ve just got to get to the root of this problem.”

Actually, you don’t.

It does feel like if you could just get to the bottom of things, you could sort it all out, but if that worked, most everything would have been solved ages ago. Digging around in the dirt, hanging out in the muck is actually counter-productive. What you focus on expands. Where attention goes, energy flows. And we would all agree we don’t need anymore of “the problem.”

So what to do? Give up? Throw our hands up in the air? Also counter-productive.

Let’s look to nature for a possible solution…

When a plant isn’t thriving, we don’t dig it up to look at the roots in order to figure out what’s wrong. That is a sure way to the plant becoming more stressed. Instead, we give the plant what it needs to thrive – more sunshine or more shade, more water or more nutrients.

If a close friend was going through a tough spot, you don’t go digging around trying to find the root of the problem. You show them kindness, consideration, love – in other words, you nurture them and give them what they need to be strong and solid.

Give this same gift to yourself. Focus on nurturing yourself. More kindness, more understanding, more gentleness – this is what allows you to flourish and grow through the challenge. Once your feet are solid under you again, that is the time you can make a decision for “next time”, however when you are In the middle of the muck you actually don’t have the capacity to figure it out. You are in fight, flight, fright survival mode. Nurturing yourself creates the conditions for you to heal, strengthen and grow.

I forgive myself for believing I need to get to the root of the problem.

I give myself permission to nurture myself and shift my energy to creating what supports me.

I can dig up the old stuff, or I can nurture myself and grow – I choose to nurture myself and grow.

I am free to nurture myself with more kindness today.

I remember being kind to myself in a nurturing way when I (give yourself a specific example of when this worked to pull you out of the muck)

This situation is an opportunity for me to be more nurturing to myself.

I am grateful for my own nurturing – it makes a difference!

Imagine all the energy you have spent in the past “trying to get to the root of it”. What might you be able to create by shifting all of that energy to nurturing yourself?

Try it on, and let me know!



The post Root Cause appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.

It isn’t Always What it Seems

Canadian Thanksgiving weekend – there’s a coolness in the air, the leaves are turning yellow, meals inside as the warmth of summer fades into memory.

But not this year – there is a different perspective.

For those in Alberta, a late season heat wave has summer temperatures making Thanksgiving Dinner out on the deck a reality, and fall sweaters left behind on extended walks.

I’m looking at brilliant golden leaves against a bright blue sky – yet here on the Central Coast of Australia it is spring. Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated here – with the exception of Norfolk Island, an External Territory of Australia with a population of 1,750 and a 2.5 hour flight from Sydney. Thanksgiving on Norfolk Island is a legacy from the American whaling ships who would make frequent stops to the island during the late 1800’s, but the average Australian knows little of turkey dinner with cranberry sauce.

So although the tree has yellow leaves, it isn’t fall, and although the grocery store seems to be the same as what I am used to in Canada, you can’t buy a turkey, cranberries, or graham cracker crumbs for the pie crust. What they call pumpkin is what we call squash, and no one could imagine pumpkin pie which explains why canned pumpkin isn’t on the shelves. I could have ordered it on-line for $15/can, minimum order of 2 with $10 shipping, along with frozen cranberries at $23.99 for a 500g bag. I just wasn’t THAT grateful!

I did manage to source a turkey after many calls. It was 3.3 kg, just over 7lbs, and $45 and not enough for the 14 invited to the table. Note to self, next time source the ingredients before offering to make a Canadian Thanksgiving meal for extended family and friends!

I could have given in and served fresh oysters, roast lamb and pavlova – but I wanted to share Canadian Thanksgiving, so I got creative and did some work arounds.

I forgive myself for believing things always have to be the same.

I give myself permission to be creative and be willing to expand my perspective.

I choose to willingly expand my perspective when things aren’t how I thought they would be,

I am free to approach new and unusual situations with creativity and possibility.

I know how to do this, it happened when … (for me reinventing traditional Thanksgiving recipes – when did it happen for you with great results?)

I am creative and willing to shift my perspective.

I am grateful to myself for operating in creativity and possibilities.

Part way through the preparations I texted my neighbour in Canada and told her of the challenges. She replied “You totally got this. If it does not taste like Canada, they won’t know. It will taste different than Australia. That is all that matters.”

True wisdom there.

It all turned out magnificently. Everyone loved the uniqueness of the flavours. My mother-in-law raved about my mother’s cranberry relish which I made with dried cranberries instead of fresh, and were blown away by the pumpkin pie which they couldn’t even imagine eating prior, and now can’t imagine living without it.

Increased gratitude in the world, one piece of pumpkin pie at a time. One gesture of peaceful possibility, moment to moment. Sharing, caring and giving thanks.

It isn’t always as it seems. It is always powerful and healing.



The post It isn’t Always What it Seems appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.