Set your Goals- with a Re-patterning Twist! Part 1
Is your Inner Critic setting your goals?
Most of us create resolutions, goals and plans from a place of deficiency
…perhaps this is why we end up sabotaging ourselves or falling short of where we want to be!
Listen in while Suze supports two coaches in their Goal Setting process with Belief Re-patterning, and helps you do the same!
Questions, comments or concerns?
Suze will be back taking live calls on January 23rd.
Until then, send an email to or post a note on facebook.
Click here for more information on “Flipping The Switch” with Suze Casey
Can’t make it live? Streaming replay available for the week following each show; click on “Suze Casey” on the site
It’s all perspective.
Proactively practice shifting your perspective when things are smooth and easy, by focusing your mind on “What’s Right” several times a day. Bring your consciousness to what is working, and acknowledge it.
The two guests on this week’s pre-taped show …
Marty Park, a successful business owner, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and business coach shares how Belief Re-patterning has supported his business goals in the past few years. Contact him for your complimentary e-book on sales, service or leadership:
Vicki Baird ( has created an international business providing readings, personal and business coaching, and workshops through her unwavering belief in everyone’s inner greatness. An Intuitive Coach and metaphysical Bookstore owner, Vicki’s reflection – “My Belief Re-patterning session changed my perspective, which has given me perspective.” Vicki, like all successful people, understands to get different results, you need to change your thoughts.
Contact your Belief Re-patterning Practitioner today and shift your perspective!
For more ways of strengthening your Inner Coach –join our Introductory Belief Re-patterning Course in February
“Flip Your Switch: From Inner Critic to Inner Coach”
The Seminar is: January 24 & 31- ” This Year Is Going To Be Different”
Join Suze Casey, for 2.5 hours of learning over two 75-minute interactive calls, where you will:
– look at your dreams and goals from a different perspective
– clarify what your real goals are
– identify the places you have been “hanging yourself up”
– develop supportive ways of achieving what you desire.
Use Belief Re-patterning with goal setting!
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm (MT)
Investment: $49.00cnd + applicable taxes
Click Here to Register
Check out the events section of our Belief Re-patterning website for more information