Overwhelmed? You bet!

Overwhelmed? You bet!

Just about everyone I’ve encountered is feeling overwhelmed, myself included. Not every day, all the time, but there is more overwhelm.

You are not alone.

There is a simple explanation – there is a lot going on.

Humans are on a gigantic learning curve, and that takes a lot of energy. The things that we used to take for granted we now need to think through. Your subconscious mind runs the program on a day-to-day basis, and it simply doesn’t have reference points for all of the changes that are happening. This means your conscious mind is processing more information daily than it was designed to do.

The result? Overwhelm.

The response? Increase your self-care. It’s that simple.

You might think that is easier said than done! Let it be simple.

forgive myself for believing I don’t have the time or resources to increase my self-care.

I give myself permission to do something just for me – I could use the support.

I can be in overwhelm, or I can gift myself some simple self-care. I choose to gift myself simple self-care.

I can focus on all of the things I can’t do, or I can focus on simple self-care. I choose.

Today, I will go outside and stand in the grass in my bare feet – simple self-care helps me feel grounded and I can use that!

Tonight, I will relax with a couple of friends around the fire – that’s self-care and it feels connected. We will laugh – simple.

Tomorrow, I will start a new novel – that’s simple self-care!

I remember the great summer holiday I had last year that was good self-care. This year I am creating an amazing Self-care Stay-cation. I’ve got this!

I’m good at self-care. When overwhelmed shows up, it reminds me it’s time to increase my self-care.

I’m grateful to myself for listening to what I need, and acting on it!

I’ve included a quick video to support you in transforming overwhelm and finding your solid, grounded self.

How might you explore simple self-care? It’s the perfect antidote to overwhelm.



The post Overwhelmed? You bet! appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.

Overwhelmed? You bet!

Overwhelmed? You bet!

Just about everyone I’ve encountered is feeling overwhelmed, myself included. Not every day, all the time, but there is more overwhelm.

You are not alone.

There is a simple explanation – there is a lot going on.

Humans are on a gigantic learning curve, and that takes a lot of energy. The things that we used to take for granted we now need to think through. Your subconscious mind runs the program on a day-to-day basis, and it simply doesn’t have reference points for all of the changes that are happening. This means your conscious mind is processing more information daily than it was designed to do.

The result? Overwhelm.

The response? Increase your self-care. It’s that simple.

You might think that is easier said than done! Let it be simple.

forgive myself for believing I don’t have the time or resources to increase my self-care.

I give myself permission to do something just for me – I could use the support.

I can be in overwhelm, or I can gift myself some simple self-care. I choose to gift myself simple self-care.

I can focus on all of the things I can’t do, or I can focus on simple self-care. I choose.

Today, I will go outside and stand in the grass in my bare feet – simple self-care helps me feel grounded and I can use that!

Tonight, I will relax with a couple of friends around the fire – that’s self-care and it feels connected. We will laugh – simple.

Tomorrow, I will start a new novel – that’s simple self-care!

I remember the great summer holiday I had last year that was good self-care. This year I am creating an amazing Self-care Stay-cation. I’ve got this!

I’m good at self-care. When overwhelmed shows up, it reminds me it’s time to increase my self-care.

I’m grateful to myself for listening to what I need, and acting on it!

I’ve included a quick video to support you in transforming overwhelm and finding your solid, grounded self.

How might you explore simple self-care? It’s the perfect antidote to overwhelm.



The post Overwhelmed? You bet! appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.