Sometimes I feel so lost! #43

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now I’m found,
Was blind, but now I see.


This sign brought a smile of recognition to everyone who went by the closed office door. Looking outwardly for yourself takes you further away from your centre. Bringing grace to the exploration speeds up the self-discovery process. The Oxford dictionary defines ‘grace’ as: a pleasing quality, becomingness, attractive feature, kind regard or its manifestation, good will, a blessing before or after a meal, inspiring or strengthening influence…

One of the 3 beautiful Goddess sisters in Greek Mythology, it is my belief that Grace is an important a partner in self-discovery. As a young person I travelled extensively, often in search of myself. But I didn’t find me while diving the Great Barrier Reef, or wandering the streets of a small village in Wales. I didn’t find myself any of the oceans I swam or hills I climbed. I found myself in the quiet place within, when I gifted myself the time and space to learn about me. The best parts of me. And then I began living from there.

I forgive myself for believing I can find myself outside of me.
I give myself permission to discover who I really am with grace as my guide.
I choose to define who I really am with grace.
I am free to see my pleasing qualities with kindness and manifest from that place of Be-ing!
One of my positive features is __________ I demonstrated ___ when I…
I am _____________ and I am living mindfully from that place.

Rather than wandering about looking for yourself, consider sitting down with Grace and acknowledging your strengths. Then, as you “come home” you’ll be there to embrace yourself with loving compassion!

As we each find our light, the world becomes brighter.



Happiness: An Abundant and Renewable Resource! Insight #42

I spotted this little store front when I was in St. Maarten last week (see below) and it made me smile. Happiness truly is a “self serve” commodity, and even in the darkest of times, it is an available option. Remembering that from a place of despair or frustration, anger or hurt is challenging. In these times a good friend or caring family member can often give you the perspective you need to lift the shadows, but often you are on your own and the pit just seems to get deeper. Belief Re-patterning is a way to proactively train your subconscious mind to be your own personal Inner Coach, giving you that “shift” in perception. There are simple ways to build, increase and storehouse happiness. That way when you are down, your subconscious has access to a perspective that will lift you up – on your own!

  • forgive myself for believing that my happiness depends on what others do or say.
  • I give myself permission to build and increase my own happiness.
  • I choose to consciously create happiness for myself, and others.
  • I am free to focus on what brings me happiness and share it!
  • I know what makes me happy, and I expand my happiness by listing those things and sharing my list with those I am closest to.
  • My happiness is abundant and renewable! It is self-serve, and I am having a LARGE helping!

My self-serve happiness list includes: listening to Louis Armstrong singing “It’s a Wonderful World”, enjoying a cup of peppermint tea, having an afternoon nap, going for a swim, thinking about my grandbabies, standing barefoot in the grass and breathing in…


What’s on your list? I’d love to hear!

Happiness – it is there for the asking!





Why do I Keep Going Back There #44

“It’s just the way my mind works.”
“I can’t help myself, it’s always been that way.”

Please stop beating yourself up, or believing that you can’t change – easily!
The reason you keep going back to old habits is not because you lack willpower, or because you’re not good enough or any of the other stories you’ve been telling yourself. It is simply because your subconscious mind is wired to hang on, tightly, to everything you’ve learned in the past! It is actually doing you a favour, so you don’t have to relearn things!

When you decide to change an old habit and instill a new more supportive one, your subconscious mind needs to be trained to run the new program. With all due respect to those who say it takes 30 or 90 days to create a new habit, retraining your subconscious mind can actually happen easily and quickly.
Think about this – when you move to a new house it doesn’t take you a month or two to remember to drive to your new address. When you meet a wonderful new partner, it doesn’t take weeks to change your habits to include them in your daily activities. When a new baby is born, parents immediately respond. We CAN change our habits quickly and easily – if there is enough supportive emotional reason to do so.

I forgive myself for believing the way things have been is the way they have to stay.
I give myself permission to recognize the old pattern, and consciously make a shift.
I can choose to beat myself up for going back to the old pattern or I can simply recognize it’s the old pattern and shift. I choose to shift with ease!
I am free to say: “There is the old pattern. I’ve changed that now to something more positive!”
I created a new habit easily when I… (moved to my new house, met my sweetie…
That was simply an old pattern, and I am creating a new supportive one!

Repetition and emotion are what wires habits into the subconscious. With strong, positive, supportive emotions, the habit changes quickly. Beating yourself up for going back to the old way simply reinforces the old habit. Trying to figure out why you go back there does the same thing. Acknowledging “That’s the old habit, and I’m doing THIS now!” raises your energy and provides a positive affirmation. Consciously changing the pattern provides the repetition your subconscious mind needs.

Here’s to creating positive, supportive new patterns!


Posuere Amet Sodales


uis viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam eget enim. Maecenas vel libero rhoncus, rhoncus purus quis, varius lectus. In posuere ullamcorper odio, eu gravida orci vestibulum nec. Morbi a ipsum ut est euismod sollicitudin. Nunc molestie semper velit eget mollis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam lorem velit, pharetra in tortor nec, rhoncus rhoncus purus.

Praesent quis placerat mi. Donec sed nunc nunc. Mauris facilisis euismod nibh pulvinar viverra. Mauris pretium ligula ut turpis venenatis, id pretium mi tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

onec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, Suspendisse vitae sem at orci viverra iaculis in ut sapien. Donec ullamcorper nulla non placerat lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque semper diam ac condimentum lobortis. Sed feugiat euismod feugiat.

Mauris vitae arcu aliquet, porta sapien sit amet, malesuada orci. Sed vehicula, est non egestas aliquam, mi lorem iaculis sapien, vel egestas dui mi ac justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce ac nibh eget nisl aliquam ullamcorper. Vestibulum tincidunt, augue vitae porttitor interdum, diam velit egestas dui, ac tincidunt dolor lacus ac nunc. Suspendisse nec justo hendrerit magna interdum viverra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam maximus sagittis felis, sit amet ultricies lectus eleifend ut. Aliquam justo velit, tristique lobortis massa sollicitudin, facilisis imperdiet nibh. Curabitur sit amet tincidunt quam. Cras vel magna pellentesque, viverra lectus rhoncus, accumsan quam. Suspendisse congue magna vulputate, gravida ex et, molestie sem. Proin commodo dui vehicula, varius massa vel, maximus metus. Phasellus dapibus molestie commodo. Pellentesque non tortor blandit, fermentum velit a, feugiat lorem. Duis nulla libero, scelerisque id arcu non, pellentesque elementum nisi. Aenean condimentum libero sapien, sed convallis nisi mollis sit amet. Nulla commodo massa eu mauris rutrum ullamcorper. Duis faucibus tortor ac arcu interdum ornare. Fusce sed nulla faucibus augue commodo varius vulputate non eros. Nulla varius tristique justo id euismod. Sed a sem bibendum, finibus massa eget, condimentum.

The post Posuere Amet Sodales appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.

Semper Bacilisis


uis viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam eget enim. Maecenas vel libero rhoncus, rhoncus purus quis, varius lectus. In posuere ullamcorper odio, eu gravida orci vestibulum nec. Morbi a ipsum ut est euismod sollicitudin. Nunc molestie semper velit eget mollis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam lorem velit, pharetra in tortor nec, rhoncus rhoncus purus.

Praesent quis placerat mi. Donec sed nunc nunc. Mauris facilisis euismod nibh pulvinar viverra. Mauris pretium ligula ut turpis venenatis, id pretium mi tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

onec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, Suspendisse vitae sem at orci viverra iaculis in ut sapien. Donec ullamcorper nulla non placerat lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque semper diam ac condimentum lobortis. Sed feugiat euismod feugiat.

Mauris vitae arcu aliquet, porta sapien sit amet, malesuada orci. Sed vehicula, est non egestas aliquam, mi lorem iaculis sapien, vel egestas dui mi ac justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce ac nibh eget nisl aliquam ullamcorper. Vestibulum tincidunt, augue vitae porttitor interdum, diam velit egestas dui, ac tincidunt dolor lacus ac nunc. Suspendisse nec justo hendrerit magna interdum viverra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam maximus sagittis felis, sit amet ultricies lectus eleifend ut. Aliquam justo velit, tristique lobortis massa sollicitudin, facilisis imperdiet nibh. Curabitur sit amet tincidunt quam. Cras vel magna pellentesque, viverra lectus rhoncus, accumsan quam. Suspendisse congue magna vulputate, gravida ex et, molestie sem. Proin commodo dui vehicula, varius massa vel, maximus metus. Phasellus dapibus molestie commodo. Pellentesque non tortor blandit, fermentum velit a, feugiat lorem. Duis nulla libero, scelerisque id arcu non, pellentesque elementum nisi. Aenean condimentum libero sapien, sed convallis nisi mollis sit amet. Nulla commodo massa eu mauris rutrum ullamcorper. Duis faucibus tortor ac arcu interdum ornare. Fusce sed nulla faucibus augue commodo varius vulputate non eros. Nulla varius tristique justo id euismod. Sed a sem bibendum, finibus massa eget, condimentum.

The post Semper Bacilisis appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.