Happiness: An Abundant and Renewable Resource! Insight #42

I spotted this little store front when I was in St. Maarten last week (see below) and it made me smile. Happiness truly is a “self serve” commodity, and even in the darkest of times, it is an available option. Remembering that from a place of despair or frustration, anger or hurt is challenging. In these times a good friend or caring family member can often give you the perspective you need to lift the shadows, but often you are on your own and the pit just seems to get deeper. Belief Re-patterning is a way to proactively train your subconscious mind to be your own personal Inner Coach, giving you that “shift” in perception. There are simple ways to build, increase and storehouse happiness. That way when you are down, your subconscious has access to a perspective that will lift you up – on your own!

  • forgive myself for believing that my happiness depends on what others do or say.
  • I give myself permission to build and increase my own happiness.
  • I choose to consciously create happiness for myself, and others.
  • I am free to focus on what brings me happiness and share it!
  • I know what makes me happy, and I expand my happiness by listing those things and sharing my list with those I am closest to.
  • My happiness is abundant and renewable! It is self-serve, and I am having a LARGE helping!

My self-serve happiness list includes: listening to Louis Armstrong singing “It’s a Wonderful World”, enjoying a cup of peppermint tea, having an afternoon nap, going for a swim, thinking about my grandbabies, standing barefoot in the grass and breathing in…


What’s on your list? I’d love to hear!

Happiness – it is there for the asking!



