Great things!

A local restaurant advertises that good food takes time – and I agree. Attention to detail, care and concern for the ingredients is paramount when preparing a meal.

We often translate this into big projects have to take a lot of time, effort and hard work.

However, as I have been bringing together everything for the launch next weekend of the new Flip YOUR Switch complimentary weekend in Calgary (there are 150 participants!), I’ve discovered that what I need shows up, and at exactly the right moment.

Today’s decisions ripple out and play into the needs of tomorrow, translating them into beautiful completion. I make a request for help, and a friend appears. I need an extra hour and a client calls to reschedule today’s appointment for another time. I ask for a terrific facility, and one materializes.

As long as I remain centered, authentic and on the up-side of the line, those cats that needed herding begin flying in formation in the right direction, and I am reminded:


Good things take time, but great things happen all at once.

  • I forgive myself for believing great things have to be hard.
  • I give myself permission to make decisions from the “upside” of the line.
  • I choose to welcome the magic of being on-purpose.
  • I am free to receive greatness into my life with ease.
  • I know what it feels like to have great things happen all at once. It happened when I met… It also happened when I discovered …
  • I am  in flow and great things are happening – all at once!

The seemingly impossible becomes not only probable – but actual.

And…speaking of GREAT things

YOU are welcome to join us for the next Flip YOUR Switch weekend in Calgary, January 8 – 10, 2016. It is my gift to you. 

Can you imagine 2.5 days of learning and integrating Belief Re-patterning into your daily way of BE-ing? All you have to do is get here and cover your own accommodation and meals. The course is complimentary. What an incredibly GREAT way to begin the New Year.

Remember: Great things happen all at once! Set the intention and allow the magic to appear!



