Sometimes I feel so lost! #43

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now I’m found,
Was blind, but now I see.


This sign brought a smile of recognition to everyone who went by the closed office door. Looking outwardly for yourself takes you further away from your centre. Bringing grace to the exploration speeds up the self-discovery process. The Oxford dictionary defines ‘grace’ as: a pleasing quality, becomingness, attractive feature, kind regard or its manifestation, good will, a blessing before or after a meal, inspiring or strengthening influence…

One of the 3 beautiful Goddess sisters in Greek Mythology, it is my belief that Grace is an important a partner in self-discovery. As a young person I travelled extensively, often in search of myself. But I didn’t find me while diving the Great Barrier Reef, or wandering the streets of a small village in Wales. I didn’t find myself any of the oceans I swam or hills I climbed. I found myself in the quiet place within, when I gifted myself the time and space to learn about me. The best parts of me. And then I began living from there.

I forgive myself for believing I can find myself outside of me.
I give myself permission to discover who I really am with grace as my guide.
I choose to define who I really am with grace.
I am free to see my pleasing qualities with kindness and manifest from that place of Be-ing!
One of my positive features is __________ I demonstrated ___ when I…
I am _____________ and I am living mindfully from that place.

Rather than wandering about looking for yourself, consider sitting down with Grace and acknowledging your strengths. Then, as you “come home” you’ll be there to embrace yourself with loving compassion!

As we each find our light, the world becomes brighter.

