Your Personalized Playlist

Songs are powerful force – the combination of words and music go deep into your subconscious. Research tells us that hearing is the last sense to leave as we die, and those who suffer with Alzheimer’s are often able to “sing along” after the ability to have a conversation is gone.

You likely remember the words to songs that were popular when you were a teenager, listening to songs over and over and over, and literally burning the messages onto the hard drive of your mind. Even the jingles from the television ads you have not heard since your childhood will surface from your subconscious with the slightest nudge.

I arrived home late this evening, tired and a bit rattled following an intense, productive and fascinating day. Sitting down to compose this note to you, I was having challenges finding the thread of my thoughts…and then Phil picked up his guitar and began playing “It’s a Wonderful World”. It is one of those songs that always “does it” for me, and brings me back to my center. Immediately I calmed down, my body relaxed, and my thoughts began to flow. I’m grateful for and blessed by the music in my life.

  • I forgive myself for believing that it doesn’t matter what I listen to.
  • I give myself permission to “up” the vibration of the music I let into my mind!
  • I choose to listen to music that has supportive messages.
  • I am free to proactively create a personalized playlist. I do this to support myself!
  • I know what it feels like to be centered by a piece of music – some of the songs that “do it” for me are….
  • I am conscious of the power of music and use it to support myself.

I’d love to hear what is on your personalized playlist…and if you haven’t created that easily accessible file on your computer or device, what a great gift to yourself…It will be there to support you on demand!





Your Personalized Playlist

Songs are powerful force – the combination of words and music go deep into your subconscious. Research tells us that hearing is the last sense to leave as we die, and those who suffer with Alzheimer’s are often able to “sing along” after the ability to have a conversation is gone.

You likely remember the words to songs that were popular when you were a teenager, listening to songs over and over and over, and literally burning the messages onto the hard drive of your mind. Even the jingles from the television ads you have not heard since your childhood will surface from your subconscious with the slightest nudge.

I arrived home late this evening, tired and a bit rattled following an intense, productive and fascinating day. Sitting down to compose this note to you, I was having challenges finding the thread of my thoughts…and then Phil picked up his guitar and began playing “It’s a Wonderful World”. It is one of those songs that always “does it” for me, and brings me back to my center. Immediately I calmed down, my body relaxed, and my thoughts began to flow. I’m grateful for and blessed by the music in my life.

  • I forgive myself for believing that it doesn’t matter what I listen to.
  • I give myself permission to “up” the vibration of the music I let into my mind!
  • I choose to listen to music that has supportive messages.
  • I am free to proactively create a personalized playlist. I do this to support myself!
  • I know what it feels like to be centered by a piece of music – some of the songs that “do it” for me are….
  • I am conscious of the power of music and use it to support myself.

I’d love to hear what is on your personalized playlist…and if you haven’t created that easily accessible file on your computer or device, what a great gift to yourself…It will be there to support you on demand!



