Intention for the New Year

Are you having trouble seeing clearly into the New Year?

Are you challenged by the uncertainty and experiencing viral fatigue?

It’s OK.

You aren’t wired for this.

Your brain likes patterns, and over the past 2 years the well-developed patterns  that provided predictability, created a sense of stability and allowed your feelings of accomplishment have been twisted, mangled and derailed.

Are you – or someone you care about feeling “what’s the point”?

For most of us the fear, anger, and frustration have eased –  but something potentially of greater long term damage has set in. Resignation, lethargy and giving up.

Yes – there is every reason for you to feel that way – and it isn’t supportive and is not only draining, but actually stealing your most precious asset – your life energy.

And just like that you’ve allowed the circumstances to control you.

You became a victim to “it’s just the way things are” and have lost a bit – or a lot – of yourself along the way.


It’s time to reclaim, renew and rebuild who you really are.

Rather than focusing on what I should “DO” this year, I’m focusing on how I want to “BE”.

This I have total control over, and so do you.


Rather than set goals, I set intention.

I focus on how I want to show up. What aspect of who I choose to BE will I cultivate, encourage and expand in the coming year?

And I invite you to step into who YOU really are, and make an empowered choice.

Would you like more Mindfulness? More joy? Creativity? Kindness? Harmony? Abundance? Compassion? Peace?

You can have it all – but choose 1 or 2 aspects of you that you feel like you’ve lost along the pandemic path we’ve all been travelling.

What attribute have you admired in others recently and want to claim as your own?

How do you want to BE?

This you have control over. This is true empowerment.


I forgive myself for believing the way things have been is the way they have to stay.

I give myself permission to BE the person I decide to BE in these circumstances.

I can be victim to the circumstances around me, or I can empower myself by choosing how I want to BE . I choose to BE…

I am free to BE more today as I…

I remember being – it happened when I was…

I know I was when I…

I AM creating who I really am – and this year I focus on

I consciously notice, expand and claim my

I am grateful for the opportunity to be empowered with my 


Seven simple steps to change your perspective. It’s time to BE your true, creative and beautiful self. Stop victimizing yourself to the circumstances and trying to “wait it out”. This is your time. Claim it!

How will you BE in the coming months? Decide, gather your support team and practice.

I’m here for you.

As we each become lighter, the world becomes brighter.

Find your light. Strengthen your light. Shine your light.



The post Intention for the New Year appeared first on Belief Re-patterning.