Suze’s Musings: Ahhh Summer time!

It is a beautiful sunny say, and I missed my swim at noon because the “busyness” won.

Between clients ,this picture arrived on my phone, reminding me of a fun road trip last summer with my cousin munching on smoked salmon with capers and cucumbers and the wonderful energy of the lake. It helped me focus on filling myself up with good food for my body, my mind, and my soul.

I may have opted to miss my swim, but I know the sunshine on the hill will be lovely.

I’ve pulled some salmon out of the freezer to BBQ, and I’ll have capers and cucumbers. I’m headed out for a walk and a sit and a picnic on the side of the hill.

It’s summertime – enjoy the sunshine and the fresh food and let the crazy-making “busyness” go.

How do you want to feel, right now?  

Namaste, Suze   

“Flipping the Switch” live with Suze Casey

 This weeks show:

Where did THIS come from? Why is THIS happening to me? More crazy-making questions…when we try to answer these questions from the down-side of the line, we spin ourselves into more of the same. Instead, decide it is an “IS”, and then move forward from where you are right now. It doesn’t make sense to drive down the road looking in the rearview mirror. Once you “arrive” where you want to BE energetically, then you can look back from that solid place for any learning – but first get yourself to the supportive side of the line!  

Let’s re-pattern together.

Call in 877-230-3062

Wednesdays @ noon (MT) 2pm (ET) 11am (PT) 


