Suze’s Musings – Challenged by the Trust Issues?

The first 48 hours of February brought the loss of my living space, my fabulous downtown office space, and the storage space for my belongings (I’ve been nomadic for the last 6 months), as well as the ending of my Hay House Radio spot.
This all happened 2 days after the out of town funeral of a close family member. Change was my constant. Those close to me wondered how I was coping. What kept me steady was a complete trust in myself. I know that everything will work itself out when I stay solid. I trust when one door closes another opens – and when several doors seem to slam simultaneously I know something big is on the horizon!
I could have gone into panic mode or given up, but I trusted myself to calmly navigate everything that came my way in a manner that allows good into my life. Today, I am reflecting on all I accomplished this month.
A trip to New York for Hay House’s Ignite Conference and a wonderful visit with my son. An amazing 5-day folk music conference in Toronto followed by another 5 days at the quiet country home of dear friends. The purchase of a beautiful new home (with office!) in Calgary, and everything ready for the move – next week!
The April 3rd start of a new internet radio home for “Flipping the Switch”. The nomadic time of the past 6 months is over. I trusted whatever I needed would appear, and it has. And although I’ve missed returning some calls and emails, and had a few things slip through the cracks of the intensity that was February 2013, I trust all is unfolding in right and perfect time, and all is well. I welcome the solid foundation March is bringing, and the new opportunities on the horizon.

Deep breath in,

